A Scoot Thanksgiving Fest

We’re combining a field trip to Scoot’s meeting platform with our Thanksgiving festivities. Put yourself in a totally different meeting environment. Join us on November 16th at 3 PM US Eastern where we’ll have some turducken fun. Register to attend this special event on the Scoot platform and stay tuned for more instructions. This event will be live only (no restream) so don’t forget to register.

Note to Registrants
Instuctions for Thanksgiving Fest with Scoot.

We’ll begin at 3PM sharp. Scoot is a meeting platform designed to keep you maximally engaged. You should have received a URL when you registered. If not, let us know.

When you enter Scoot you’ll be asked for some information that will create your personalized Smart Badge. All answers are optional.

For our Scavenger Hunt you’ll want to have a paper and pencil (markers or crayons if you’re feeling artistic).

We’ll also be breaking into smaller discussion groups to discuss AI, Community, Engagement, and Work from Home.