Questions to AskBefore Selecting a Platform for yourVirtual Events

  1. Pricing
  • Price per Single event
  • Price for monthly subscription
  • Price for annual subscription
  • Price per participant/hour
  • Other pricing models (specify)
  • Discount for yearly payment?
  1. Session Support
  • Single event webinar/keynote
  • Multi-day webinar/summit
  • Multi-track conference
  • Discussion/networking
  • Trade show
  1. Support for Browsers and Devices
  • Runs in web browser ( iOS, Android, Microsoft)
  • Requires app installation or Native in Browser Window
  • Mobile app version
  1. Attendee Information
  • Registration required
  • Registration optional
  • No registration required
  • Limit access based on the category of registration
  • Unique access link for each attendee
  • Organizer can add individual registration
  • Upload a batch of registrations
  1. Payments
  • Integrated into platform
  • 3rd party payment processors integrated in platform
  • Link to external 3rd party payment processor
  1. Campaigns For Registrants
  • Emails sent by platform (no 3rd party service required)
  • Integrates with 3rd party email service
  • Personalize with registrant information
  • Messages are configurable
  • Max no. messages before the event
  • Max no. messages after the event
  1. Options for Speaker Videos
  • Virtual background option (custom templates, green screen, no background)
  • Max length of single session
  • Max number of simultaneous sessions
  • Can record session for replay
  1. Powerpoint and Slide Support
  • Supports animation
  • Supports embedded video with sound
  • Speaker can see speaker notes
  • Speaker can see next slide
  • Computer audio sent to platform
  1. Multiple Speakers Per Session
  • Max no. speakers on screen at one time
  • Max no. speakers waiting backstage
  • User-configurable screen for multiple speakers
  1. Insert uploaded video
  • File size limits
  • Formats supported
  1. Attendee Participation
  • Hidden from other attendees
  • Visible to other attendees
  • Chat logged for download
  1. Group text chat
  • Hidden from other attendees
  • Visible to other attendees
  • Chat logged for download
  1. Attendee participation
  • Raise hand to ask question
  • Can appear on screen with speaker
  1. Networking And Breakouts
  • Auto-assign attendees to breakout rooms
  • Host assigns attendees to breakout rooms
  • Attendees choose breakout room to join
  • Breakout rooms include video chat
  • Platform shows how many attendees are in each breakout room
  1. Participant engagement
  • Group chat (built into platform or 3rd party? )
  • Offer files for download (size of files, formats supported, analytics for tracking downloads)
  • Speaker bios and social sinks available
  • Audience survey capabilities
  1. Event Agenda
  • Search by day, speaker, topic
  • Participant can create custom schedule
  • Participant can schedule reminders
  1. Analytics
  • Attendee registration data tracked
  • “Heat map” for engagement in each session
  • List of attendees who registered
  • List of attendees who attended
  • List of attendees who attended each session
  • List of attendees who downloaded a file
  • List of attendees who clicked on external URL
  • List of attendees who participated in group video chat