Call it Anything, Just Not An Event

We love to rename things that already have perfectly good names just to show that we’re keeping fresh. And so it goes with the word “event.” It is so passé. Call it a journey, a 360-degree adventure, a community, an experience—just not an event. Events have defined beginnings and endings but new times demand a much more circular approach. 

Now that we’re getting a bit of clarity on 2022’s event season, here’s what we know:

  1. We’re heavy into reconstruction. Born of the pandemic, new events will look more like journeys with a pre-event, event and post-event that will keep the long tail of the event alive long after the lights go off.

  2. Digital tools will create opportunities for monetizing new inventory (like a live-streaming stage) to personalize your attendees path through the event, based on data.

  3. Social tokens—digital assets that you collect for your experiences—will become the in-show currency in much the same way that in-game currencies work.

  4. Tech-stack integration is going to give us all a giant migraine, forcing all event creators to not just evaluate single tools or platforms but also how well they integrate with each other.

  5. Watch for more mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships to remove the integration pain for users.

The VEG group is committed to helping our members navigate this complex maze through our consulting arm, as well as with our ongoing discussion groups and meetings. We can help you chart your company’s path to success with the perfect combination of high-tech and high-touch skills. Reach out and let us help.



AI Eats the World

AI Eats the World

Marc Andreessen's prophecy that “software will eat the world” became the mantra of VC culture. But software has a tiny...

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